Monday, April 20, 2009


<<<minties. seriousoly i cant stop eating them. I never new i liked minties so much until now. im not sure why i all of a sudden am obssesed with them but i looooove them. So i have a theroy that if i keep eating them non stop like i have been i will never have bad breath again! Its a completley full proof plan. trust me. You know what else i like the wrapper. There so god damn funny, with the whole "its moments like these you need a mintie" and then the funny little picture i love it! Come on who dosent like laughing at other peoples misery. Man i must seriously sound like a friggin saddist or something, calm down i promise im not. Or am i? Okay im not. I feel to guilty easy to be a saddist so yeh there goes that carrer choice......even though its not a carrer...

I swear i really do hate diet coke now. I have had almost 6 today and i think im hyped up on caffeen. My eyes feel pernemtly glued open. On a plus its 3 days till me and Ambers pic-a-nic (yes you HAVE to say it like that) and 4 days till the movies :) Thats if I sleep till then. I dont think i will. At least im happy now !
your very wide awake buddy :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009


so im watching matilda and did anyone ever realise her eyes are grey!!! DEVIL CHILD! im totally gunna have like an army of grey eyes people after me now arent i? awell! so yeh i dont no why i notice these things i just do. Michelles mum thinks im cool so nehh. yeh showed all you! by all you i do mean michelle cause no self respecting person would read my blog :) so yes im actually only doing a blog at this very moment cause michelle made me post a new one. Shes just angry cause im totally her pimp....yeh jealous? i know you are. so yes this is extremley intresting arent i?
so peace homies :)

Jo bros

So I thought the end of the Jonas Brothers Obsession was long behind me, in till last night. I was giving my room a quick clean up because as my mum would say it "Looked like a pig pen" and I found my Jonas Brothers Cd and thought why not listen to a couple of tracks?

Big Mistake! I am not once again a Jonas Brothers fan. I went from liking them, to loving, to obbsession, to hating now im at liking there music.

I have to admit but im really excited for there 3D movie now which opens in June! or maybe July....Ok so im not sure.


Friday, April 17, 2009

yeh what now michelle!

HAHA now ill know whats happening when you have math and your happy about it! Yeh i completley foiled your plan! And you left out saying exclamation mark at the end of your sentence as a way to make something less drab. for example........... "damn michelle just got here, now we have to leave .." now to make this funner you could say....."damn michelle just got here, now we have to leave.....EXCLAMATION MARK!" and just by doing that the whole situation becomes better. Ah your not the only genious. yup i am also quite full of genious to. And also to amke things better in class you add and i jizzed in my pants. for example the teacher says........"Math test today everyone!" to make this better you would add......."Math test today everyone! (and i jizzed in my pants)" yup makes everything good (and i jizzed in my pants). hmm have you ever realized how completley spazz our minds are......?
so yes that is all.
peace homies! :) and i jizzed in my pants.......EXCLAMATION MARK.

Gangstaizzle and Mathing :)

Let me give you a play by play of what I call Gangstaizzle. Here I was listening to my i pod on shuffle near the door of my Dads work. I was listening to I just want you by AJ Rafael doing my mad air ukulele when I'm on a boat came on and BAM!!!!! GANGSTAIZZLE! Basically all it is the strange situation my mind puts me into when ever a hip hop comes on. and i can not help to start doing my incredible lame hip hop moves. Sadly its not just hip hop songs, I'm basically a slave to music. I just cant help but move. In most situations its OK but when I'm at school in the middle of class I STRUGGLE not to move but sometimes Ill be focusing on something then realise that I'm doing something stupid like randomly bopping or worse of all singing!!

God I am such a spazz, but what can you do about it? Everyone seems to put up with it and i think I couldn't function otherwise lol :)

Also I also noticed just another way to make any drab situation just that little more positive. Just add -i.

Ill give you a example. Your at school and the bell goes and you have to say "dam it guys I got to go to Maths" your friends give you a sympathetic look ( well I'm assuming normal friends do, mine would laugh at me) and you shuffle off to class.

Now using my AMAZING invention which is adding ing this is what can happen. Bell rings, "Well this was fun but I got to go mathing" with a smug smile and you turn away confidently till your out off sight of your friends then continue off to class shuffling as usual. Sure you still have to sit throughout the same boring Math class but at least you can be amused by the fact that for the whole period your friends wont stop thinking what the hell your going on about :)

I'm a genius!! But who didn't know that??

Now all I need are these shoes and everyone would know it.

OK maybe not but there sooo.. pretty
xx Michelle

Thursday, April 16, 2009

sorry michelle!!

Hehe woops! you seriously should of plannned to see 17 again sooner, dude its like one of the hardest movies to avoid....but yeh sorry michelle :D i loveee youuuu! Anyaways so today i quit hockey!! (this is the part when the people in my head go OMG!) and yeh i dunno, it got to boring and repetative man i hate doing things for to long, i should probaly work on that. Also ive run out of wizz fizz! Im freaking out man, i need the stuff man I NEED IT! NEEEEEEEED ITTTT!
so yeh....
peace homies :)

Just thought I should add that SOMEBODY sounds like a pot head and it aint me.
xx Michelle

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Movie spoillers and Wii :)

So I just read Ambers last Post (in the pink ) and am now quite annoyed. She has spoiled a movie i have been wanting to see in ages! I have been making sure not to see to many ads or anything of 17 again, which I have to say is increadbly hard sience there on every 7 seconds. Atleast i only have to wait intill Friday now to see it with Chealsea which is exactully 8 days! AHHH! Another ad just popped up. This is going to be increadbly hard.

Anyways i played wii fit yesterday.... for 3 hours ! Yeah im setting the record for most hours on wii fit. I wouldnt try it if i was you. Not that i want someone to break it or anything, its just the fact your legs ACHE afterwoods. Luckly i shared a nice rasberry flavoured bubblebath with my pally Mr Rubberducky ( hes a rubberduck incase you were wondering), so today i can actully move unlike last night....

Hmm.. ever sience dads got boxxd in ive turned ive turned into a super spy. Just call me 007 cause i know things man. Like the fact that the same old man walks his dog at 3:30 every day. Yep bet you didnt know that!

luv ya!

My day at the movies!

Ahoy Ahoy, do i explain today? Well i went and saw a movie. 17 again to be exact. it was quite a weird movie, the chick tried to make out with her dad, i spose i should cut her some slack considering her dad was Zac Efron so i mean who wouldn't want to make out with him rite? Anyways yeah a movie don't i have an exciting life? so while i was at the movies i began to wonder what would happen if the little plush toys in the machine game thingy came to life....(yes i don't no why i wonder these things..) so i began to think since the plush toys were from monsters VS aliens does that mean they start to eat us all? cause thatd be preety freaking awesome. I mean apart from the dying part..but yeah if some little plush monster came up to me and was all "ima eat choo" id probably start laughing and go "well aren't you just the cutest little nugget I've ever seen, i just wanna stick a bowl of nachos on your head and microwave you!" Yeah i don't no just that completely random i spose. So that's all
:) Peace Homies!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just another day...

Hmm I was just experimenting a little with font and have noticed that they all look the same. THERE ALL BORING!!! Whats the point of having multiple choices if they all look similar??
I wonder if I can get downloads like i can in photo shop. They have mad font. At school I downloaded this one with rad peace signs in it. Its all "hippy".

I suppose if this whole thing was written in "hippy" it would pretty hard to read after a while. I guess boring is OK after all. Just in very very very small doses.
peace out xx

Im full of randomness and smiley faces :)

So blog spot.......ah another way for me to avoid doing homework and other un-important responsibilities! Ah yes along with twitter, myspace, facebook and beebo i can now add blog spot to my list of addictive websites. Anyways today i came up with the most brilliant idea in the ENTIRE world, whenever its a rainy gloomy day I'm simply going to grow a few hundred feet and replace the rain clouds with sunshine clouds. Trust me its completely full proof, nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Now i just have to figure out to spontaneously grow a few hundred feet, should be easy :) so my day today was pretty much a complete bore! i got up and felt like i had a massive hang over due to my late night at the Easter show (which was completely awesome!) and then i had waffles with honey for breakfast and the rest of my day pretty much consisted of TV and food my two favourite things!! anyways i spose i should stop typing now and save everyone from my excessive rambles.....
:) peace homies!