Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Im full of randomness and smiley faces :)

So blog spot.......ah another way for me to avoid doing homework and other un-important responsibilities! Ah yes along with twitter, myspace, facebook and beebo i can now add blog spot to my list of addictive websites. Anyways today i came up with the most brilliant idea in the ENTIRE world, whenever its a rainy gloomy day I'm simply going to grow a few hundred feet and replace the rain clouds with sunshine clouds. Trust me its completely full proof, nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Now i just have to figure out to spontaneously grow a few hundred feet, should be easy :) so my day today was pretty much a complete bore! i got up and felt like i had a massive hang over due to my late night at the Easter show (which was completely awesome!) and then i had waffles with honey for breakfast and the rest of my day pretty much consisted of TV and food my two favourite things!! anyways i spose i should stop typing now and save everyone from my excessive rambles.....
:) peace homies!

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