Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My day at the movies!

Ahoy Ahoy, do i explain today? Well i went and saw a movie. 17 again to be exact. it was quite a weird movie, the chick tried to make out with her dad, i spose i should cut her some slack considering her dad was Zac Efron so i mean who wouldn't want to make out with him rite? Anyways yeah a movie don't i have an exciting life? so while i was at the movies i began to wonder what would happen if the little plush toys in the machine game thingy came to life....(yes i don't no why i wonder these things..) so i began to think since the plush toys were from monsters VS aliens does that mean they start to eat us all? cause thatd be preety freaking awesome. I mean apart from the dying part..but yeah if some little plush monster came up to me and was all "ima eat choo" id probably start laughing and go "well aren't you just the cutest little nugget I've ever seen, i just wanna stick a bowl of nachos on your head and microwave you!" Yeah i don't no just that completely random i spose. So that's all
:) Peace Homies!

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