Monday, April 20, 2009


<<<minties. seriousoly i cant stop eating them. I never new i liked minties so much until now. im not sure why i all of a sudden am obssesed with them but i looooove them. So i have a theroy that if i keep eating them non stop like i have been i will never have bad breath again! Its a completley full proof plan. trust me. You know what else i like the wrapper. There so god damn funny, with the whole "its moments like these you need a mintie" and then the funny little picture i love it! Come on who dosent like laughing at other peoples misery. Man i must seriously sound like a friggin saddist or something, calm down i promise im not. Or am i? Okay im not. I feel to guilty easy to be a saddist so yeh there goes that carrer choice......even though its not a carrer...

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