Friday, April 17, 2009

Gangstaizzle and Mathing :)

Let me give you a play by play of what I call Gangstaizzle. Here I was listening to my i pod on shuffle near the door of my Dads work. I was listening to I just want you by AJ Rafael doing my mad air ukulele when I'm on a boat came on and BAM!!!!! GANGSTAIZZLE! Basically all it is the strange situation my mind puts me into when ever a hip hop comes on. and i can not help to start doing my incredible lame hip hop moves. Sadly its not just hip hop songs, I'm basically a slave to music. I just cant help but move. In most situations its OK but when I'm at school in the middle of class I STRUGGLE not to move but sometimes Ill be focusing on something then realise that I'm doing something stupid like randomly bopping or worse of all singing!!

God I am such a spazz, but what can you do about it? Everyone seems to put up with it and i think I couldn't function otherwise lol :)

Also I also noticed just another way to make any drab situation just that little more positive. Just add -i.

Ill give you a example. Your at school and the bell goes and you have to say "dam it guys I got to go to Maths" your friends give you a sympathetic look ( well I'm assuming normal friends do, mine would laugh at me) and you shuffle off to class.

Now using my AMAZING invention which is adding ing this is what can happen. Bell rings, "Well this was fun but I got to go mathing" with a smug smile and you turn away confidently till your out off sight of your friends then continue off to class shuffling as usual. Sure you still have to sit throughout the same boring Math class but at least you can be amused by the fact that for the whole period your friends wont stop thinking what the hell your going on about :)

I'm a genius!! But who didn't know that??

Now all I need are these shoes and everyone would know it.

OK maybe not but there sooo.. pretty
xx Michelle

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