Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Movie spoillers and Wii :)

So I just read Ambers last Post (in the pink ) and am now quite annoyed. She has spoiled a movie i have been wanting to see in ages! I have been making sure not to see to many ads or anything of 17 again, which I have to say is increadbly hard sience there on every 7 seconds. Atleast i only have to wait intill Friday now to see it with Chealsea which is exactully 8 days! AHHH! Another ad just popped up. This is going to be increadbly hard.

Anyways i played wii fit yesterday.... for 3 hours ! Yeah im setting the record for most hours on wii fit. I wouldnt try it if i was you. Not that i want someone to break it or anything, its just the fact your legs ACHE afterwoods. Luckly i shared a nice rasberry flavoured bubblebath with my pally Mr Rubberducky ( hes a rubberduck incase you were wondering), so today i can actully move unlike last night....

Hmm.. ever sience dads got boxxd in ive turned ive turned into a super spy. Just call me 007 cause i know things man. Like the fact that the same old man walks his dog at 3:30 every day. Yep bet you didnt know that!

luv ya!

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